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The troublesome uptick in fatal car wrecks in Louisville

On Behalf of | Mar 27, 2024 | Car Accidents

Driving through Louisville shouldn’t mean having to take a chance with your life, but statistics show that it’s becoming more dangerous to drive here. There’s been an uptick in the number of fatalities associated with crashes within the city.

Recent data indicates a significant increase in roadway fatalities, marking 2023 as the deadliest year since 2016. Vision Zero Louisville, a city initiative launched in 2021 to curb traffic deaths, reported 136 lives lost in 2023. That’s an increase from the 128 fatalities recorded in 2022.

A look at the numbers

The data presented by Vision Zero Louisville paints a grim picture of the city’s road safety over recent years. Between 2016 and 2023, Louisville had 893 fatalities on public roads. There were also 4,146 serious injuries during that period.

While the number of fatalities rose in 2023, the number of suspected serious injuries declined to the lowest point since 2016. There were more than 600 suspected injuries in 2016. In 2023, that was down to just over 450. Still, that’s far too many for one city. This consistently high number of fatalities and injuries signals a need for major changes.

Attempts to curb roadway dangers

In response to the escalating road safety crisis, the Louisville Metro Council passed an ordinance in 2022, setting an ambitious goal of eliminating roadway fatalities by 2050. This ordinance aligns with Louisville’s broader objective to invest significantly in infrastructure that promotes safer, alternative modes of transportation like walking, bicycling and public transit.

The onus of safety isn’t only on public officials. Drivers in Louisville must commit to safe driving. This includes staying off the roads if they’re impaired, fatigued or distracted. Aggressive driving, such as speeding, also needs to stop.

Unfortunately, innocent people are still suffering injuries at the hands of negligent drivers. Those victims may choose to seek compensation from a liable party. This can help them to recover damages, such as the cost of medical care. A legal representative can help them to learn the various types of damages they can claim, but swift action is critical because of time limits set by Kentucky law.
