T.J. Will Make ‘Em Pay!

Photo of attorney T.J. Smith

Our Louisville Paralysis Attorneys Help Victims Recover Lasting Compensation

Spinal cord injury victims and their families soon realize that the shock, pain and intense initial recovery process are not the worst aspects of a catastrophic injury. Rather, it is the long-term disability that so many accident victims live through after suffering from:

  • Paraplegia
  • Quadriplegia
  • Loss of use of fingers, hands, arms, feet or legs
  • In some cases, loss of ability to speak clearly or feed oneself

Complications Of Life With Paralysis

Loss of muscle functions and/or feelings can be accompanied by equally troubling side issues such as:

  • Neuropathic pain
  • Susceptibility to bladder infections
  • Vulnerability to bedsores, with a resulting risk of sepsis or other dangerous infections
  • Depression and anxiety

Pursuing Compensation For Medical Expenses, Necessary Equipment And Disability Accommodations

If you or a family member has suffered from a car crash or truck crash or any other accident resulting in paralysis, you should consult with a lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your options. A personal injury attorney can find out whether someone else’s negligence caused the accident and pursue compensation from negligent parties to cover your:

  • Medical expenses
  • Personal care services
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering

“Medical expenses” may include short-term and long-term needs for costly durable medical equipment and devices. You may need a motorized scooter or wheelchair, a modified van outfitted for wheelchair transport, a lift in your home, a modified computer and safety features for the home like a wheelchair ramp and bars in the bathroom.

Few successes are as satisfying for us at T.J. Smith, Attorney at Law, as seeing a client with paralysis well compensated. We know from experience working with many such clients what a difference it can make in your life to have the resources it takes to adapt and rebuild your life after experiencing a surgical error or a slip-and-fall accident resulting in paralysis.

For A Free Consultation With A Louisville Paralysis Lawyer After A Serious Accident, Contact Us

A life-changing accident resulting in a spinal cord injury is a sure sign that it is time to call a lawyer for advice and help. Contact T.J. Smith, Attorney at Law, at 502-677-1429. We also welcome email inquiries via our website contact form. Serving clients in Louisville and throughout Kentucky.