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Navigating Louisville’s 5 most dangerous intersections

On Behalf of | Mar 1, 2022 | Car Accidents

Driving anywhere is hazardous when careless, distracted or intoxicated motorists are behind the wheel. But specific stretches of roadways in Louisville are known for recording more than their fair share of motor vehicle accidents.

The Federal Highway Administration reports that more than half of all crashes involving fatalities and severe injuries occur at or near intersections. We’ll take a look at Louisville intersections most prone to accidents, one of which has already gained national notoriety.

Five Louisville intersection trouble spots

Numerous factors contribute to highways recognized for having an abnormally high amount of accidents, such as design, visibility, traffic volume and other considerations. Here are five spots in and around Louisville where drivers should take extra care:

  • 2nd Street and Broadway is recognized as the most dangerous intersection in Kentucky
  • Interstate Highway 65 and I-265 intersection near the airport
  • I-65 and Watterson Expressway (I-264) interchange
  • Kennedy Interchange, known as “Spaghetti Junction”
  • Intersections under construction along I-265

Some factors are out of your control, such as poor roadway design, lack of or nonfunctioning lights and message boards or confusing traffic signs. That means diligence and attention to driving are essential.

Traffic fatalities soared in 2021

Traffic volumes in Kentucky and elsewhere plummeted during 2020 amid the pandemic. However, traffic fatalities and severe injuries actually increased. Last year, traffic levels returned to normal, but deaths and serious crashes only got worse.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports fatalities rose by 18.4% in the first half of 2021 – the most significant increase in 15 years. The reason? NHTSA says drivers exhibited more risky behavior, such as speeding, driving while drunk or on drugs and not wearing their seatbelts. That’s why it’s crucial to focus on defensive driving, especially on Louisville’s most dangerous roadways.
